A Special Message from the Owners
We thought it important for you to know why we are here and to share a few of our beliefs that led us here. When we purchased Highland Lake Inn in late 1999, it had to do with our falling in love with the magic we felt when we visited Highland Lake Inn and a vision of putting our efforts toward something that was based upon values we believe.
We had raised our beautiful daughter, Lisa and packed her off to college. Jack had completed his career at MCI Telecommunications and Linda was excited about doing something more with her abundant creativity after having worked for years in the local school system. We wanted to be a part of something that stood for more than just making a profit and allowed for a better expression of creativity in our lives. Highland Lake Inn allows us to focus our energies on doing something that just feels “right” and provides a “canvas” upon which we can work to make it even better.
From the deck of our house on the property, we have the pleasure of seeing wonderful outdoor weddings, sometimes with horse and carriage, sometimes with violin music wafting in the air and we even hear bagpipes from time to time! We also delight in watching corporate groups meeting under a tree somewhere, challenging themselves in a canoe race, or just swinging on our swings or laying in our hammocks. We are charmed watching families and their children at Treska’s barn seeing for the first time where the goat milk and chicken eggs actually come from! We marvel in the mist on the lake in the early mornings and delight in watching a young couple in a canoe experiencing the shimmer of our setting sun on the lake.
Did we mention our love for superb dining? During our past travels to Spain, Mexico, Germany, Italy, Portugal and France, we picked up a taste for great food, superb wines and delightful service. With fresh vegetables coming straight out of the organic garden, the best chefs in North Carolina, warm and friendly servers and a wine list that continually wins the Wine Spectator award, we now receive the same great dining experience at our on-site restaurant, Season’s!
And we knew that we couldn’t succeed without wonderful people working in a company that stresses honesty, trustworthiness, compassion, and accountability. Doing the right thing, even if it costs a little more time or money! We needed people who shared our core values and could take pride in delighting our guests with great service and delicious food. When we came here in 1999 we found some of those people already here and since then many more have joined our adventure.
Throughout the 26 acres that constitute Highland Lake Inn & Resort, we’ve worked to ensure the lodging, the amenities, the food and the green areas harmonize to create a sustainable and nurturing environment.
Our forest trails, organic gardens, charming and spacious lodging, garden-centered restaurant, and peaceful waters free you from distractions and give you time to focus on the real things in your life. We hope you will become part of this vision!
Jack & Linda
Delight Each & Every Guest… Every time!
Not just to satisfy, but rather to delight you with the magic that is inherent in our beautiful, lakeside country setting, the uniqueness of our historic and spacious lodging and meeting facilities, our gracious and friendly service, and our superb, garden-centered cuisine!
We believe we succeed in this mission, but we’d rather have you be the judge of our success. Each guest is asked to submit a comment card. We discuss each of the returned cards at our weekly managers meetings. Your input is very important to our ability to continue to achieve our mission and we appreciate your assistance.
We look forward to meeting you soon!